The 3 main pillars that contribute to the mission of International Leaders Forum club are: exchange of knowledge, experience and ideas, cooperation of experts supporting various sciences, culture and business practitioners, mutual trust and support. We share our knowledge and competences, inspire development and promote to each other our achievements. We work to support modern entrepreneurship and genuine leadership, based on the principles of integrity and ethics, as well as create a community of mutual values ​​and goals.

At the ILFO club, we are convinced that we effectively face the challenges of the modern world only by integrating the elite community of outstanding business representatives, scientific and cultural leaders to build new relationships through the clash of various visions and views. Our community is united by mutual values ​​and eagerness for a better change, openness to innovation and willingness to develop ourselves and spread knowledge among others. We strongly believe that within ILFO club we are creating a safe space to confront problems and dilemmas in the sense common of security and empathy, with a focus on solutions and help.



  • creating a platform for the exchange of good ideas, inspirations and experiences;
  • cooperation and mutual support of representatives of the world of business, science and culture in solving the challenges opposed by the modern world;
  • authentic and valuable networking;
  • mutual mentoring and coaching, with the participation of experts of various professions;
  • building and promoting a safe environment based on ethical principles and values - openness, honesty, trust, transparency, confidentiality and mutual support.


  • creating outstanding business standards for the improvement of the quality of Poland’s’ businesses sector;
  • creating a strong and opinion-forming group of leaders that are actively involved in business, scientific and cultural matters;
  • support for young entrepreneurship and the start-up’s - to accelerate the development of innovative economy in Poland;
  • conducting training initiatives for future leaders and cooperation with educational environments.


  • building international relations;
  • building Poland’s position and prestige in the world;
  • promoting "Polish ambassadors" abroad: companies investing and operating globally, Poles who are successful in the world.